We conduct all kinds of missing persons, witnesses, lost loves or skips, worldwide.
During the early stages it is important to support your case by working together with your private investigator. Establish how often they will be in contact with you to provide updates and how you can contact them.
Investigators will use the information you have provided to consider all lines of enquiry, which are appropriate and necessary in the circumstances, to try and locate the missing person. A Private Investigator will provide information, where possible, on what is being done in a personalized fashion.
Typical steps of enquiry may include:
- Searching the home address of the missing person to confirm they are not there and to establish if there is any information or evidence that can help find them.
- Searching the area where the person was last seen (if different to their home address).
- Checks with local hospitals.
- Possible checks with mobile phone providers, financial institutions, and social media accounts.
- Checks on different devices used by the missing person, including internet search history.
- Checks with other Law Enforcement sources, or the Missing Persons Unit, where applicable.
- Canvass enquiries near where your missing person was last seen, as well as their home address.
- Reviewing closed circuit television (CCTV) footage where applicable.
- Interviews with family and friends, acquaintances, colleagues.
- Coordinating media coverage to raise awareness or appeal for information.
Depending on the circumstances of the disappearance, private investigators may coordinate with law enforcement sources that may also involve the use of Search and Rescue personnel to conduct specialist searches (for example, using helicopters, divers, or dogs). In many cases the Private Investigator is your liaison to law enforcement.
It’s important to keep a record of conversations, details about the missing person and anything you can think of while it’s fresh in your mind throughout the missing person’s investigation. Even if you don’t see it as relevant, this information may prove beneficial to your private investigator at some stage during the investigation. Record this information in the same place so it’s easily found, and almost becomes a timeline or diary.
Some records you should keep:
- The contact details of the police officer who took your initial missing person’s report including their name, rank, station, phone and email, and any subsequent officers you deal with during the course of the investigation.
- The case number corresponding to your missing person’s report and investigation. Police will inform you of the case number, however if they don’t, you should ask for it as all information will be filed under this ‘job’.
- Keep detailed records of everyone you speak to in relation to your missing person, including dates and times, names and numbers, information provided etc.
- Any action you need to take to preserve samples for forensic collection. For example, you may need to limit access to your home until forensics have been conducted and collected. (For example: Such as hairbrushes, tooth brushes for DNA collection).
One thing a client should always remember when hiring a Private Investigator is that prior to the hire, a Private Investigator works privately for a fee. So based on that, the client should have enough budget to complete the investigation. Every case is a puzzle, the more pieces the clearer the investigation becomes.
Also, as the investigation evolves, the client should always be open to change directions of the investigation if need be, for the best possible outcome. That’s why its so important to hire an experienced investigator, as soon as possible.
We hope this gives you a better understanding on how Missing Persons Investigations are conducted and if you require additional information we offer a FREE consultation 24/7 days by phone.

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